I changed some files in the source code of the engine, how do I rebuild it Visual Studio 2017 2019 2022 can’t do it always crash with random errors, if you run RUNUAT.bat or do a full cleanup with Clean.Bat nothing helps it doesn’t clean the build and then MSBuild.bat or Rebuild.bat or Build.bat just builds the same without my changes. Sad
I have all the necessary libraries, .Net Framework from 3.5 to 4.7.2 and .NETFX Tools from 4.6.1 to 4.7.2 installed, I also have MSVC VS 2019 C++ version 14 something and Windows 10 SDK all versions installed, I have 2017 2019 2019 2022 studio installed, but still it can’t rebuild, although the first time I downloaded the sources and started building in 2022 studio under 4.7.2 Net Framework everything built fine, what’s the bug?
Well and yes if you go the standard way through Setup.bat GenerateFiles.bat then GenerateFIles.bat fails with an error:
Setting up Unreal Engine 4 project files…
ERROR: A game project path was not specified, which is required when generating project files using an installed build or passing -game on the command line
GenerateProjectFiles ERROR: UnrealBuildTool was unable to generate project files.
Although all components are installed, how to rebuild the engine? Maybe you have a magic bat file that does it? The Imertable Saved folders I deleted also in the Binaries I deleted everything except those files that were in the original Source engine
Hey, if you also pass -Project=ProjectName to GenerateProjectFiles.bat that should specify the project path you have.
If there are other issues, if you can send the errors it might be easier to debug.
Does it have to be transferred when rebuilding the engine?
What do you mean by Transferred? If you build your project, even with Engine changes it should be included in your project build if you have made changes.
The point is I made changes to the source code of the engine how do I rebuild it now?
Do I just have to be sure to specify the project in GenerateProejectsFiles.bat or what?
I sort of found a solution I removed the accelerated build from 2019 Visual Studio I started to build the same as the first time, only before that I completely removed the engine again threw the sources and in the sources changed that I need
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