How to rebuild hidden bones collision ?

When i call HideBone to term bodies collison, i found the collision won’t be able to re-init when unhidden, the specific code in the engine is as follows

	//@TODO: If unhiding the child of a still hidden bone (coming in, BoneVisibilityStates(RefSkel(BoneIndex).ParentIndex) != BVS_Visible),
	// should we be re-enabling collision bodies?
	// Setting visible to true here is OK in either case as it will be reset to BVS_HiddenByParent in RecalcRequiredBones later if needed.


if (BoneIndex >= 0 && GetNumBones() > BoneIndex)
	bRequiredBonesUpToDate = false;

	//FName HideBoneName = SkeletalMesh->RefSkeleton.GetBoneName(BoneIndex);
	// It's okay to turn this on for terminated bodies
	// It won't do any if BodyData isn't found
	// @JTODO
	//SetCollisionBelow(true, HideBoneName);

All I need is a bone reconstruction without child nodes. How to realize the SetCollisionBelow?

I just encountered this scenario recently, To rebuild the physics bodies and their constraints, you can reference ue4 engine code initializing these physics elements. You can search and checkout this function : USkeletalMeshComponent::InstantiatePhysicsAsset_Internal
and ue4 first evaluate bone transform using skeletal animation, and conditionally blend it with their respective physics body transform, you can check out this funcion: