void AFooBar::SetupPlayerInputComponent(UInputComponent* PlayerInputComponent)
UEnhancedInputComponent* Input = Cast<UEnhancedInputComponent>(PlayerInputComponent);
// You can bind to any of the trigger events here by changing the "ETriggerEvent" enum value
Input->BindAction(AimingInputAction, ETriggerEvent::Triggered, this, &AFooBar::SomeCallbackFunc);
void AFooBar::SomeCallbackFunc(const FInputActionInstance& Instance)
// Get the value of the Input Action for whatever type you want here...
FVector VectorValue = Instance.GetValue().Get<FVector>();
FVector2D 2DAxisValue = Instance.GetValue().Get<FVector2D>();
float FloatValue = Instance.GetValue().Get<float>();
bool BoolValue = Instance.GetValue().Get<bool>();
// Do your cool stuff here!
So in your case, the moveForward_ function should be APLRCNTR_Player::moveForward_(const FInputActionInstance& Instance).