How to react on a mesh component being dragged around in the editor?

I have an actor that as a mesh component and a spline component. Upon dragging the the mesh and thus changing its relative coordinates, I want to apply a transformation to my spline component. I suppose there is some event I can attach to, but I don’t know which one.

You can code the spline to modify itself from the location of the mesh, in the construction script.

How exactly that would happen, is another issue. Can you clarify your idea?

This is what I do already. The result is that, upon dragging in a fesh actor, the spline is correctly updated. However, once I move around the mesh component specifically, the spline does not get updated, naturally. Moving the mesh component around, instead of the actor, does not trigger onConstruction.

Ah, this is something new in 4.27 ( or possibly 26 )? Where you can move individual components of a blueprint after putting an instance in the level.

Maybe if fake tick in the editor it might help

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I’ll check that out!

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Up on this subject.
I’m now facing the same problem.
Have you found any solution?

No. Instead of dragging a mesh component, I am dragging the whole actor now. This way I can use onConstruction just fine.

maybe that’s the one