I would like to be able to spawn spinning coins in an area. I have taken a look at the exaple contents “random mesh spawn” however that only spawns static meshes. I have a spinning coin by itself in a seperate blueprint as well. I have tried modifing the exaple script as well, but to no avail.
Yes I would use the spawnactor (your spinning coin in this instance) and for the location you can set lie x and y values to be random integers between a range.
OK I will do that as its seems like the general consensus. Here is what I have had so far, (simple) for the spinning coin, just a static mesh with logic on event tick, also i was just trying to modify the example script for random static mesh (posting pic but again this is just stock, maybe useful to someone who’s stumbling through for answers…)
Ok got it working, don’t know if it is 100% correct way to do it, but using the input from the above peeps, I have been able to achieve the spinning coin result that I want. More or less combining the info from the above web page and adding it with the example contents “random static mesh spawn”.
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