How to randomly defined vectors in range of 2 value so that there are not close together ?

Hello, İ got a problem because i don’t know how to make this:

I’ve got a vector array that i want to add random vectors.
The number of vectors is in range in 2 and 5.
The origine of vectors is predefined.
The other vectors have to be in range beetwen 100 and 500 distance to origine and 150 to each other.
İ’ve got a picture for explain better:

Every point (x,y,z,a,b,c) are beetween 100 and 500 cm to the origine.
And there are no points that are closer to 150 cm each other.
I want to do this in a blueprint but i dont know how to do.
Please help me.

The z vector should be the same, we don’t have to ramdomize it.

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This will give you the basic formula

Then you just a need an overlap ( distance ) test. So the final code is

Where the distance test is

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Thank you very much for responding so quickly. You are a piece of cotton candy. Big kisses to you !