Hello, I’m making a creative map (12 players), and I have 4 different POI. And I didn’t get how to make the players random spawn in each POI.
After the spawn “Island” all the players should fight in a free for all game in each POI
First randomly selected POI 3
After that POI 2
After that POI 4
After that POI 1
And so on…
Can anyone help me, or give me some suggestions on how can I do something like that?
I think, but not to sure, that you can do that with a Random Number Generator hooked up to 4 triggers, each trigger enables one POI set and disables all the others.
Are you using seperate rounds for each POI or doing it all in 1 round ?
You may have to set up a pregame area so the Random Number Generator has time to activate the spawns before game starts.
that’s what I’m doing, but the problem is, when I use the random number generator with the trigger to activate the rifts, the trigger only activate one rift, and exatly the same trigger (without changing settings) without the random generator, it triggers all the rift!
It looks like a bug, or, I’m doing something wrong, but I tried everything and nothing works.
My idea for getting this to work involves using three random number generators (for simplicity’s sake I will refer to the random number generator as “RNG” from now on).
If you want only 4 rounds total with no repeats, make three RNG’s and modify their settings as follows: RNG 1: value limit 1: 1, value limit 2: 4, winning value: 3, pick each number once: yes, reset on game start; RNG’s 2 and 3: value limit 1: 1, value limit 2: 2, winning value: 3, pick each number once: yes, reset on game start.
If you want an infinite amount of rounds, make the three RNG’s with identical settings as follows: value limit 1: 1, value limit 2: 2, winning value: 2 pick each number once: no.
(If you haven’t done this already,) I would suggest setting whatever device you use to start the new round to activate RNG 1. Then have RNG 1 activate RNG 2 on a “win” and activate RNG 3 on a “lose”. Set RNG’s 2 and 3 to activate teleporters 1 and 3 on “wins” and teleporters 2 and 4 on “losses” respectively.
Here’s a diagram I make to illustrate the relationships of the RNG’s to each other and the teleporters.