I want to make a tutorial level and I want some text/images to show up when a player goes into a trigger volume. like in the top left corner to show the buttons W A S D and tell the player that those are the controls. My game is a 3D platformer so I need a good tutorial. If I wasn’t like clear to make people like understand what I want imagine that when you spawn a image is in your top left corner telling you what the controls are then you go and get into another trigger volume and then an image shows up telling you something else ( a new image shows up). Also I wanna know how to make like an image last for like 5 sec after it was created and then it would dissapear from the screen.
Since you want a tutorial Check UMG widget tutorials on web.
For the starters on trigger overlap event you will need to make the UMG widget spawn if not already spawned and add that to viewport. A UMG widget is
Unreal Motion Graphics UI Designer (UMG) is a visual UI authoring tool which can be used to create UI elements such as in-game HUDs, menus or other interface related graphics you wish to present to your users
Check documentation, It is quite clear and easy