How to push other vehicles around?

So I have made a simple car using the unreal engines own tutorial series and I have some problems.

  1. Pushing other vehicles is hard/impossible because the wheels “stick” to the ground. example
  2. Pushing other vehicles not controlled by players works better since I can push them forwards and backwards like they are on neutral. Pushing those vehicles from the side won’t work for the same reason as above.
  3. Is there a way to make the car controls client side so when you turn the car it wont be as jittery? I tried to use short component instead of byte for the replicated rotation and it did improve it a lot but its still not smooth.
  1. Yeah, I’ve had the same issue and decided to create vehicles on my own. It really depends on what type of vehicles do you want. Realistic or Arcady?
  2. Same as above
  3. You can play with tyre settings. I think you have it all explained here: Vehicles: Handling & Friction | 03 | v4.2 Tutorial Series | Unreal Engine - YouTube

If you need arcady car, you can follow first couple of videos in this playlist:
If you need realistic car, you can watch other videos in the same playlist

I used it to create cars for my game. You can see some results here: Barely Racing Trailer - YouTube