Hello! I have been working with UE4 for quite some time now and would like to experiment with some game ideas I have. To do this I will need assets; currently I am extremely interested in landscapes. Looking at how software is sold today, it appears to primarily be in licences where I would need to pay monthly or yearly. Most software licences also have a tier based system such as hobbyist, freelancer, indie, etc… This leads me into my primary question. If I purchase the hobbyist licence of lets say Megascans and three years down the line I make something that I feel is worth selling, would I need to repurchase all the assets with an indie team licence or could I, before release, upgrade to the indie package and use all the assets I previously purchased. Dependent on the answer to the following question, is that how it would work for all software which works on that licence system or would I have to contact each company individually to seek out the answer. If any information is needed for clarification please ask. Thank you all for reading!
Best Regards,