You mean DRM or Licence?
Game titles are often protected by trademark registration. Trademarks are registered country-by-country, for the most part.
Game characters, under US law, are covered by copyright and that copyright occurs from the moment of creation. However, there are also benefits to registering the game by copyright protection. That is also usually done on a country-by-country basis.
I’m making my first game and I don’t know how to do it.
to protect the tittle and the characters.
There’s a bit more to it than that, of course. It’s the law… it’s not always straight-forward.
Mostly, characters can also be protected as a trademark because they can represent your brand. Example: Mickey Mouse is as recognizably “Disney” as the Coca-Cola label is to Coca Cola.
But the biggest advice I can give is this: Don’t waste your time reducing plagiarism and piracy. Spend your time increasing sales (as in, number of copies sold). Unless you have a significant per-user infrastructure cost, high or low piracy figures mean nothing. If you’re in this to make money, all that matters is how much money you make. Sounds simple, but it is surprisingly easy to get distracted from.
There was a publisher who made a famously “Always Online” DRM for single player games, recently. In an interview with Eurogamer, they called it “a success” as they saw a notable reduction in piracy. Eurogamer asked them how their sales were affected. The publisher said, “Oh, those dropped 90%”. They seriously thought that losing 9-out-of-10 paying customers was a success. No. No it is not. They have since abandoned that initiative.