How to properly use a Service Node to update a "MoveTo" node?

Hey guys, I’m trying to use a service node for the first time and I’m having some problems with it.
I’m using a “move to” node to move a pawn to a position occupied by the player, but I want to update this position every so often.

This is the fist version I’ve tried:

And I’ve also tried this:

And this is how the Behaviour Tree looks like:

Can someone tell me where I’m wrong with my implementation? Thanks!

Make your own custom MoveTo Task, and you will notice it is only called once, not every frame. You have to use a Decorator with OnValueChanged on PatrolLocation on MoveTo task.

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I finally had the opportunity to try today and it works! I wasn’t thinking that MoveTo is only called once and not every frame. Using the decorator on the MoveTo works perfectly, Thanks!