How to properly setup the environment of an editor plugin that is part of a game project?

Hey there! I’m new to UE5 development and I’ve successfully cloned the Git repo and built the engine. I am building an editor plugin, but it was taking way to long to load (around 1-2 minutes) after each code change since hot reloading isn’t working properly.

As a workaround, I decided to temporarily build my plugin within a game project using the release version of UE from the marketplace. Changes in my source and firing up UE5 now takes only a few seconds.

However, I’m running into an issue with one of my sources that rely on headers like “CoreMinimal.h” which I included in my plugin when it was part of the engine source.

These headers aren’t being found now ofc. I could just fix the include paths, but I’m wondering what the actual approach is?

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