How to properly set up a custom Character Movement Component

Hello! Recently I’ve been trying to create a custom C++ CMC but I’ve stumbled upon what I consider to be a bug, and I want to know if maybe im missing something.

The setup is very simple:

  • Create a new project using the Third Person template for UE 5.3 using C++.
  • Add a Character Movement Component C++ Class using the editor.
  • Without changing anything of this class, go to the default BP_ThirdPersonCharacter and only switch the CMC to the newly created one.

Running this will give you something like this:

The problem also resides in the fact that changing it back to the original doesn’t actually work. So going into BP_ThirdPersonCharacter and setting up again the default CMC still yields the same (buggy) result, even though before worked fine.

I do not see any issue here, I assume all you’re missing is the “Orient Rotation to Movement” setting which is off by default, but is turned on in the Third Person Example project.