Project world to screen node accepts player instead of camera but I want to know where on the screen would an object be for another camera.
Chair is in the middle part of the screen for player’s camera but how to know where it is for second camera?
Project world to screen node accepts player instead of camera but I want to know where on the screen would an object be for another camera.
Chair is in the middle part of the screen for player’s camera but how to know where it is for second camera?
Well the screen is “the actual plaery camera”. i guess cause of that you’ll project to the player (camera). What’s your goal with getting the screen position for the other camera? Maybe there’s another solution.
Its like second camera is your mobile phone, you can move it in 3D world, rotate it and take photo at any time to get score. I want to give more score if the object (chair) is in the middle of the photo.
You could do a line trace from the center of the 2nd camera going straight, if it hits the object, its in the center. If you want more “space” to hit you could do a boxtrace, but the line trace should do. (Hope I got what you actually want )
Hmm. Don’t know how accurate it will be but it can be a good starting point. Thanks for your help
Np mate. You can also do a dot product to check how far away from the center it is.