I was wondering if there was a way that a curve editor can be populated with points via run time versus having to plot the points by hand. If not through blueprint then maybe through c++? Please let me know thank you.
Hi man,
you could somehow edit the curves at runtime?
Ofcorse you can but what curve do you mean? Property type or Matinee graph?
Like a bow Timeline …
In Matinee or timeline I have to edit the key via blueprint?
In Unity is possible to visually edit curves at runtime,beause of a package " runtime curve editor " from the asset store.
(Runtime Curve Editor | GUI Tools | Unity Asset Store).
How would I edit the points of a FloatCurve object in Blueprint?
Find CurveFloat.h and RichCurve.h under Runtime/Engine/Classes/Curves/ in engine source and look at available public methods and properties there.
We see that the FRichCurve class has many public methods for adding, modifying and deleting Keys via FKeyHandle.
UCurveFloat has a FRichCurve property named FloatCurve and you’ll see in CurveFloat.cpp that UCurveFloat relies on its FloatCurve property for much of its functionality. That means you will probably call FRichCurve methods on FloatCurve directly.
So to get to answering your question. You’d get a reference to your UCurveFloat and call AddKey or UpdateOrAddKey to add and update keys. Modify and existing key by calling SetKeyValue. Remove keys by calling Reset or DeleteKeys.
You might find this link helpful too:
Data Driven Gameplay Elements | Unreal Engine Documentation (http://archive.is/1Botw)