How to program winning system (Blueprints): watch all 9 media videos and win

Hi guys,
I am new in Unreal Engine, but I’ve decided to use this software for make my graduation project at Academy of Fine Arts. I am mostly an artist and Blueprints are kind of black magic for me. I am trying to make small game- little island to interactively present my sculptures made in Zbrush. The idea is to go in first person mode, highlight the sculptures and clicking at them to play media- video animation of them. The problem is that I honestly don’t know how to make a system that when player watch all of 9 animations he opens a portal and can win the game. Please help <3

Hi Ewel,

So if each of the Interactable Sculpture/Video object is a Blueprint actor (of the same class) and that actor has a ‘have I been seen’ boolean variable, you could check all of them at once.

Here’s an example from one of my projects, It checks if all photos have been found/seen and if they are it unlocks an achievement.

The ‘++’ node is called “Increment Int”, also I’m using the ‘LENGTH’ function on the array so that If I add more photos later I don’t have to change any hardcoded numbers. (If you’re new to working with BPs, using the ‘Print String’ node to figure out what values things are returning will be helpful!)

Let us know if you have any more troubles with this.

Thanks for your response.
Sorry if i am asking stupid questions. Actors ,of the same class" means this has to be the same static mesh added in actor blueprint class? I have 9 different static meshes- my sculptures and it follows 9 different videos.

You’re welcome!

So you don’t necessarily need to group everything together into one BP. (Your meshes and whatever you’re interacting with / tracking interactions can be separate)

But try this:
Create a BP Actor
Inside the BP: In the Components Panel: Add a static mesh component
Select that static mesh component and set it to any mesh
In the level viewport/world drag 2 copies of that Blueprint into the world
Select one of the BPs, in the Details panel: change that one BPs Static Mesh.

So now you’d have 2 of the same BP with 2 different meshes.

Oh god! Super useful! Thank you :slight_smile:
Now it makes sense.
Can I also ask you off topic question ? About selecting and clicking my actors? :wink:

Glad to hear it!

It would be better to create a new question than ask off-topic questions in this one. (But first try searching Google + Youtube!)

ok, thanks again :slight_smile: