How to program every time character collects an item, the enemy's max speed increases

Hi, I’m trying to program every time my character collects an item, the enemy’s max speed increases. However, I can’t seem to do that. I have numerous custom events in the enemy blueprint each with a different max speed for him. And in my level blueprint, I’ve programmed every time I collect an item, my “collectibles” integer goes up by one. But I can’t seem to get them to work together and have when the integer equals a certain number, it triggers one of the custom events.

I’ve figgered out how to activate the enemy custom events by walking into a box trigger, but not by how many items I’ve collected. Any help would be much appreciated.
Thank you!

Instead of making the integer equal a certain number you need to add to its current number. So you make current speed an int variable then add to it each time the event is called.

Hi so I’m actually learning blue prints atm myself I’m no expert right now but all I can say is that you might need to research if statement nodes. I hope this moves you In the right direction.