How to print string when pressing left and right special buttons on pad 00, and also for pad 01???

This is inside a level bp of an empty level. I have it setup to print string whenever left or right special is pressed. This works fine with pad 00. I also want pad 01 to be able to print string separately from pad 00. How to do that here?


P00P01StartNSelect.rar (1.7 MB)


bumpitty bumpolo ezdolo


bump bump bump


ba bump

Things that go…BUMP…in the night.

What does pad 01 represent ?

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The second gamepad…Unreal Engine (Windows) assigns them in the order you plug them in. So the first gamepad becomes device 00 and the second becomes device 01. Player 1 and Player 2.

if it a local multiplayer, when you are creating a new player, it will have a new controller ID, try to do a switch on controller index with your gamepad event such that 0 for first gamepad 1 for second gamepad.

Or a switch enhanced input for the 2 different controller index.

Would you do that in a level blueprint? This is for a title screen so pressing select on the pads is like inserting quarters and then pressing starts either a 1p or 2p game if enough credits.

Bump bump, anyone know how to do it?..bump

Bump bump, bump everyday until an answer is found!

Hi,I’m not sure how game pad works.
Do you mean different buttons trigger same event?

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No not exactly, I am talking about two different gamepads plugged into the PC. When plugged in WIndows assigned them in the order they were plugged in. The first plugged in gamepad becomes pad00, the second pad becomes pad 01. Unreal Engine seems to see the pads in this way.

This is a title screen like an old arcade game, I want to press select (or left special) on pad 00 and it add to an integer in the game instance for credits. I want to press select (or left special) on pad 01 and it to a different integer also in the game instance for credits. Then I want to be able to press start (or right special) on pad 00 (or also on pad 01 to start a 2 player game if enough credits.) and start the game.

While I see things once in awhile about assigning controllers to SPAWNED characters, I have seen nothing about this here when there is no spawned character, just receiving and cataloging input from 2 unique gamepads.

IF there is an easy soliution to this (as it should be imho) why has this question not been solved yet?

Thanks for all help.

This may not be important to others, but this is CRITICAL to me, I can’t make a game if I can’t solve this simple issue.

I hope I could help but unfortunately I have no experience on gamepad or multiplayer :joy: .

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Sorry to hear that, seems I am truly alone in my quest on this one…
