I would like to output an element of two rows by turn in two dimensional array using Print function.
Please look at the following Verse code. In For Statement, I prepare two dimensional array and try to output an element of the First row then output the one of the second row. I expected that print result is;
(Print Order of the Column is random because using Random function)
However, when starting Fortnite, the result is as following picture:
I do not make sense why the same element is printed more than one time and the second row’s element (Card001, Card002…) is not printed correctly.
Please tell me how to print a result as I expected.
Thank you,
using { /Fortnite.com/Devices }
using { /Verse.org/Simulation }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/Diagnostics }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/SpatialMath }
using { /Verse.org/Random }
using { /Verse.org/Verse }
using { /UnrealEngine.com/Temporary/UI }
using { /Fortnite.com/UI }
using { /Verse.org/Colors }
# See https://dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/uefn/create-your-own-device-in-verse for how to create a verse device.
# A Verse-authored creative device that can be placed in a level
Source := class(creative_device):
# array in which Question & Judge elements are set
var ReadingCards: [][]string = array{array{"Q1", "Card001"},array{"Q2", "Card002"},array{"Q3","Card003"}, array{"Q4","Card004"}, array{"Q5","Card005"}}
# Runs when the device is started in a running game
# Shuffle the array for Game
var ShuffledReadings : [][]string = array{}
set ShuffledReadings = Shuffle(ReadingCards)
# Game Start
if (NumberOfColumns : int = ShuffledReadings[0].Length):
for(Row := 0..ShuffledReadings.Length-1, Column := 0..NumberOfColumns):
# Print the first row's elements{Q1, Q2....Q5}one by one
if (Question := ShuffledReadings[Row][0]):
# Print the first row's element{Card001, Card002....Card005}one by one
if (Judge := ShuffledReadings[1][Row]):