How to prevent your cursor from leaving the Editor in PIE?

I have Dual Monitors, when I run the Editor and F11 to go Fullscreen, (which isn’t really Fullscreen it still shows my windows taskbar at the bottom for some reason… but anyway when I’m in combat and moving my mouse around if it leaves the active monitor it loses focus and moves out into the other monitor which is maddening when I’m trying to debug, and everything drops to 2FPS. I cannot for the life of me find the obvious checkbox that will prevent this.

I want to lock my focus in the PIE. Does anyone know how to do that permanently for that project or all projects?

thanks in advance.

Abou full screen you need put first immersive mode (shift + f11)

about mouse, I think you have to put this, I have it in game mode.
If your game is without a mouse, use game only, if it is with a mouse it should be an in mouse lock option

AH! Shift F11… that’s the ticket, I believe since its in Fullscreen when you do that, that suppresses the mouse escaping because I think I was in windows borderless or something similar when I just did F11 on its own.
