How to prevent Unreal from changing disabled button's child opacity

Hi everyone,

I want to implement simple tabs and so far everything works perfectly when I navigate between tabs.

To indicate the current tab, I am disabling the current tab’s button. I also changed the disabled button’s style to look brighter instead of dimmer default look.

But the button’s child image it seems to get some level of opacity and looks dimmer. And I cannot find how to prevent that.


I have been asking myself this same question since I started designing widgets in Unreal.
It’s quite obvious that it would be convenient and intuitive to use this style for this purpose.
Yet its entirely impossible to override this behaviour.

Best workaround I found is NOT to use Disabled, and rather make your own custom widget, with a custom variable called for example “Active”. Then implement that to swap the default style’s color.
But this setup for every button is unnessesary and tedious to say the least.

Epic should really add a bool that can be toggled to ignore this behaviour.


There appears to be an option on common button base but in my tests it doesn’t appear to work.

Turns out it works if you set is interaction disabled instead of set is enabled.