using blueprints, how do i prevent the player from putting an object into the nav mesh if itll block ai from reaching their goal? currently the ai will walk around objects but will get hung up on the path if the path is blocked.
heres a visual of the grid the ai are walking on. the red parts are blocked already and the red x is where i want to stop the player from being allowed to place an object.
I think the only way to do it would be with the get current path points and path index nodes.
If you have a snap system for building with very few snap points relative to the size of the map (as I think you do given the image), this would likely be easy. If you have one with a lot of snap points, or god forbid a snap-free system, this will be hell and anything but performant.
It might be better from a game design perspective to, before committing to preventing the player from placing the building, make sure that placing the building would actually stop the pathing rather than just requiring a recalculation.