How to prevent attached actor from interfering with spring arm?

I have a third person character controller, and a pawn that is a hoverboard. I want to be able to walk up to the hoverboard, possess it, and attach the character to the hoverboard. This all works fine, however when I attach the character it interferes with the camera spring arm.

Here is my Character blueprint viewport

Here is my hoverboard blueprint viewport

I am attaching the actor (character) at the RiderLocation scene component in the Hoverboard blueprint

Here is the behavior I am seeing at runtime

Here is the behavior I am seeing inside the editor viewport when adding the character blueprint class manually

My first question is if I am going about this the right way? Or is there a better way to possess another pawn?

My second question is how do I make the spring arm work nicely with the attached actor? Setting the collision probe channel to something different doesn’t work. Ignoring collisions does but then I have clipping issues with everything else.

I think I am overlooking something really simple, but I have spent half a day trying to work this out. Any help is much appreciated.