I am new to UE5 and I wanna build a backroom of some sort.
I followed a video for an 1 direction endless runner to a 360 endless runner(YAY!!!)
Here lies my problem, if i decide to do circles at the collision corner to spawn new chunks, it keeps spawning chunks on itself (and that leads to lag).
I am currently using blueprints.
TLDR, how can I prevent actor from spawning on actor
Here are a few screenshots to help out
Thanks in advance
Yellow(Spawn chunk trigger), Blue( Delete chunk trigger), red(Arrow direction)
Spawn chunk(Top) and delete chunk (Bottom)
A few questions to help me understand your situation a little better:
When you say you decide to do circles at the collision corner to spawn new chunks, what do you mean exactly? Are you moving your character in one of the corners? As in the top right corner for example? And when you do this, which collider is your character triggering exactly?
In your blueprint screenshot, you’re showing an overlap event for the SpawnTriggerWest, I am assuming you have other overlap events for a total of 8 spawn triggers?
Can you point out more clearly where you have these Arrows placed? For example the “Arrow West” you are using to get the world transform of and setting that as the spawn transform for the new room spanner?
Can you show a screenshot of your Room Spanner Actor BP component hierarchy?