I need to use SSL on dedicated server centos 8.3 .
My host mashine is windows i use cross platform tools linux with success.
I cant rebuild libwebsockets
with BUILD.EPIC.sh from libcurl i successed only with openSSL builded but not libwebsockets.
I try individual also with no success on windows.
Is it possible to make flags ssl ON and then i will rebuild all again with HTML5Setup.sh
Is it possible to do it with visual studio Project / engine .
i change this part and build engine solution with no success.
To make it hardcode anyway…
if (UsePlatformSSL)
// PrivateDefinitions.Add("WITH_SSL=0");
// AddEngineThirdPartyPrivateStaticDependencies(Target, "libWebSockets");
AddEngineThirdPartyPrivateStaticDependencies(Target, "OpenSSL", "libWebSockets", "zlib");
AddEngineThirdPartyPrivateStaticDependencies(Target, "OpenSSL", "libWebSockets", "zlib");
Please any suggestion !
Even if i rebuild libwebsockets when and how to add current domain ssl key cr and ca ?
In samo answers on similar question said : rebiuld openSSL and libwebsockets again and works.
How can be without changing WITH_SSL somewhere…