Hi there,
i’m facing a small issue because i’m new to the engine ,…
… basically i want to populate an array called “Faction Array” with an Enum type and give each Enum at each index of that array a different value of the Enum ,i mean choose a different name from the Enum 3 name choices which are “Darkpiece” , "BrightPiece "and "EmptyField " shown in picture below …,…
… and I want the array of this type Enum to hold the Enum value set to “DarkPiece” from index 1 up to index 15 of this array , and to hold “EmptyField” value from index 16 up to index 47 , and to hold “BrightPiece” value from index 48 to index 63 … cause my array length is 64 .
in picture below i’m trying but with no result …So anyone knows how to achieve that or is it even possible !! …???..
Thank you for your support , appreciated .