it seem that i can override some function of GameMode, but i don’t know very clearly about the workflow, as when and how to set up the playerStart actor or regist it?so could you help me about this? thank you for your help.
You just drag player start where you want to start playing your game when you click play < that is the answer if i understood your question correctly
Please note that you can spawn Player Start just like any other actor:
MyPlayerStart = (APlayerStart*)GetWorld()->SpawnActor(APlayerStart::StaticClass(), &Location);
Player Start can be registered in your Game Mode class with AddPlayerStart() function:
AddPlayerStart (APlayerStart * NewPlayerStart)
If you like to learn more about Player Controller in Unreal Engine 4, please go here:
Hope this helped!
oh,it seem to be some mistake beacause of my pool English. i mean to regist the playerstart in runtime,depends on location data.- -
thanks for your help,but i have annother question : where to regist it so that it won’t cause no playerStart when open the level.
For example, I register it on the GameMode Constructor,the Constructor recive a Location parameter, and the levels use this GameMode,is it right?
You can register Player Start in constructor; however, you should spawn it in different place, since calling GetWorld(), which is needed for spawning, won’t return correct value in constructor.
GameMode class will try to choose the best PlayerStart to spawn your player, which will be determined with FindPlayerStart() and ChoosePlayerStart() functions.
In default behavior, which can be overriden in C++, PlayerStart is chosen so that the player can fit in.
my bad, sorry (: