My question sounds a bit weird. Let me explain what I mean.
So, I made a jumping animation and I already set it up.
The problem with this is that when the character jumps the animation plays a few milliseconds after jumping.
I want to know how can I fix this whether I can play the jumping animation before the character jumps or change some blueprints?
It’s hard to say for sure without seeing the animation. Is it stand in place or a moving jump animation? It is possible to remove frames from the anim.If you right click on the time line in the animation you can remove all frames from before that point.
It is both. I’m using a jumping animation that I made. There is only one. I simply put the jump function as you can see then the set the variable for the jumping animation. The problem is that when the character jumps (when I hit spacebar) it immediately jumps and the animation starts when the player is midway in the air.
I would suggest loading up the ThirdPersonCharacter template and taking a look at how they handle it. Just as a point of note, it is broken down into 3 animations, start jump, jump loop, and jump land. That is how it is intended to be handled in UE4.
I just checked it a few minutes ago. I copy exactly what was in there graph editor. Still, I have the same problem. The jump and the animation are not in sync.
Like I said before, the jump animation is a single animation unlike the 3 animations from the UE ThirdPersonCharacter.
EDIT: I forgot to mentioned that when I copied the blueprints from the thirdPersonCharacter’s AB, I remove my original blueprints (the ones I provided above) and only left the input action and jump function. It works, but is just that it’s not sync.
I fixed it. Start Position is the answer for this. Well, it worked for my animation, I assume for other animation you have to also change the Play Rate.
Thanks for this actually had the same issue, and setting the start position in the anim blueprint solved the problem for now as it enabled me to skip the knee’s bending part at the start which caused the whole timing mismatch of the jump.
I want to know this. Where is this “Start Position” at?
The problem I have is that the way ThirdPersonSample is setup, the transition to start jump anim happens when the character “is in the air”. I want to play the animation first, and then have the character jumping (“is in the air” will be true and the state would be “idle jump”).
In case anyone was looking to do this, what I did was set a delay in the character BP between the “jump” trigger (spacebar) and the jump action. The delay is the duration of the jumping animation. Also set a custom boolean to get in the AnimBP.
I tried this but it just actually delays the entire jump when I press space bar, and the animation still starts delayed after the initial jump. I’ve been at this for over week, driving me nuts.