How To Play Jump Animation Faster?

My question sounds a bit weird. Let me explain what I mean. So, I made a jumping animation and I already set it up.

The problem with this is that when the character jumps the animation plays a few milliseconds after jumping. I want to know how can I fix this whether I can play the jumping animation before the character jumps or change some blueprints?

First things first. Instead of constantly casting to animBP, hook the same code into EventBeginPlay and store a reference to re-use.

Second, I simply added a notify to the jump.
A viable alternative is to put a delay in front of the jump function which is tied to the time the animation frames call for.
Because of possible “lag” the delay may be inaccurate, whereas a Notify can fail to trigger.
choose your poison :stuck_out_tongue:
PS, I think maybe a delay is better then the notify so you don’t have to mess with tick groups etc.

Sorry, could you please explain a bit more. I just started to learn animation blueprints. I have no idea, since I’m watching tutorials. However, the problem is that I can’t find anywhere my issue.

I tried that and it just delays the jump + animation in general. The same problem still persist even with the delay.

How do you think I should arrange my blueprints then to make it work with the delay?

Run the boolean first, apply the delay, run the jump.

Also, Also the notify check this series.

I dont recall which part it is in, but they cover everything nicely, including notifies.

Still doesn’t work. The animation doesn’t play first or at the same time when jumping. They are not sync.
Also, it’s a single animations so I can’t work with “jump start”, “jump end”, etc.

I got it! Start Position is the key to this.