My character has three animations (right_punch, left_punch, Kick) and what i want to do is,
click right mouse button three times to play those three animations.
What i did here right now,
I made a montage of them and give them a section. So when i press right mouse button they play in orderly…
Are you actualy trying to play the animations all at once? Cause that’s what you’re doing…
or do you want a combo?
I’m assuming it is the latter.
You will need a variable that counts how many times you clicked the mouse button.
So for example every time you click the rmb you do Variable++, and then after a delay you fire of an animation and Do Variable–. And then you can bind an integer switch to chose an animation based on how many times more the Variable needs to tick to get back to it’s default value.
You may want to take a look at any Paragon hero available for free at Epic’s marketplace. Look for Character BP and Animation BP. Here is an example from Wraith. It is a basic setup. You also need to add animation notifiers inside the animation montages.
Yes, I wanted the user to click the rmb button 3 times, and play a new animation each time.
Than you for your friendly explanation. I solved this problem by using bool variable, but your solution looks more great than i did. I will work on it that too. Thanks !!