How to play animations with blueprints?


How to play animations with blueprints?

Is it possible to play specified animation from Player Controller?

Thank you!

If you mean simple animation e.g moving static meshes from one place to other or changing their rotations etc, then you can check Timeline option in BPs. If you already know about it, then you can ignore this comment. :smiley:

Please, look How to restore Anim Blueprint for Character? - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums

There are several possiblities but normally you create a AnimationBlueprint for your SkeletalMesh.
This collects data which is needed for the animation logic for example if you are jumping and so on.
Then an AnimGraph is created which defines in which case which animation is triggered and further more it can blend animations.

When you are starting with this topic have a look at the following playlist on Youtube:

It is the official playlist for the character animation system.

Please, look How to restore Anim Blueprint for Character? - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums
