How to play animation per actor using only 1 level sequence?


I am Fairly new to unreal engine.

Currently, I am making a Switch animation using level sequencer.

I have more than 1 switch, and if 1 switch need 1 level sequencer.

Well… you know. Lot of works. And that is something I want to avoid. Because in the end, I will have 100++ switches.

Well, I’ve tried using experimental Feature called “Actor Sequence” and it works Perfectly. However, My current project can’t risk using an experimental feature for safety sake.

Are there any “GOOD” way to achieve instantiable object that has its own animation yet it is easy to modify it?

Picture Example.

So Imagine something Like Light Switch.
If you turn that On. the switch will flip up.
If you turn that Off, the switch will flip down.

My switches works like that.
But, with more complex animation.

For example;
If turned on, a circular stone will rotate, Then after it finish rotating, it will spawn a waterfall.
If turned off, a circular stone will rotate, Then the waterfall will disappear.

Thank you.

I’m not sure I understand. Would actor rebinding work for you (basically, rebind the tracks to another actor)?

I’ve tried using rebinding.
But, even though I make the variable editable from editor, it will takes some times for the designer to manually select which object to rebinds to.
Especially if there are so many switches.

I wanted play the animation per switches, without the other switches also playing.

Currently I am using 1 level sequence per switch…
But, If I do have 100+ switches, that means I will have 100+ level sequences.
And if the artist want to change the animation, it means he/she will needs to modify 100+ animations.
And that is what I want to avoid.

I think your solutions might work.
However, the designer still needs to input that switch manually no?

from what i understand,
you want to change animations on multiple actors from level sequence, right?
if so you can create an event in game mode (or anywhere you want) which already has an array of all actors that you want to update + the animation,
and on the level sequence you just call that event

I am not sure what do you mean by switch but yes, use class inheritance such as you define the parent class and at runtime you create the children according to the need

So Imagine something Like Light Switch.
If you turn that On. the switch will flip up.
If you turn that Off, the switch will flip down.

My switches works like that.
But, with more complex animation.

For example;
If turned on, a circular stone will rotate,
Then after it finish rotating, it will spawn a waterfall.
If turned off, a circular stone will rotate,
Then the waterfall will disappear.

Yups, that is exactly what my current problem is.

If the animation is simple, I could use timeline.
The problem is the animation is much more complex, and require help of animator.

for something like that i would suggest using actors/ game mode / level bp where you get much more control over what haapens every frame

Agree with that.

However, are there any method you know without using timeline in blueprint?
So that it is easily modifiable like sequencer?
I mean like Actor Sequencer.
That works perfectly.
However, it is experimental feature and I can’t risk to it.

Initially I tried to use matinee and the level seq, but there are quite a few problems. More than one instance ( like you have ) and relocation of the animation to mention two.

In the end, I got better at blueprinting. Then you can make a switch that moves however you like, and then other switches is just a case of ALT-dragging it…

Can you show the animation, of give a basic description of it using cubes and whatever. Then we can knock up some code and you can see if it’s useful :slight_smile:

tick, timers

Ok, very easy in BP :slight_smile: I will put some code up here later if nobody beats me to it. ( not at a machine right now ).

Hope this help…

Ok, so this is what I have, ( much smoother than the GIF ). Very basic, and there’s a million ways of doing it, but you get the idea:



No worries. If you ever find the component you want to animate has a non-zero transform with respect to it’s parent ( which can make SetRelativexxx do weird things ), just come back here or PM me, I’ll give you the answer.

Thank you man.