Hi, I have an animation montage which contains some of my combat animations, then I use “Play Anim Montage” node to play one, specifying the section to play, example “fastattack”. In game when I attack, the character plays the fast attack, then the roll, then the die animation, all in sequence… while I want it to play only ONE of the sections.
My understanding was that having the sections one for each line in the lower part of the picture is what is needed to have those play separately, but seems not working
I found out why. The default behaviour is that is just plays one section, UNLESS you have this setting DISABLED:
In the Animation Montage, under section “Blend Option”, “Enable Auto Blend Out”
I disabled it because I wanted by death animation to keep the player laying on the ground keeping the last frame forever. But this created the problem on all other sections, which will then play all subquent sections as well.
Under the Sections panel left to the “Create Default” button, just “Clear” all the default associations that have been created.
Associations are just relationships between different sections of your montage, i.e. it tells the game if you want to play chained animations or a specific animation after one animation.
OR you can break all the links between associations so that they will not be played after you played a single animation from code.