How to play a "Media Playlist" at once?

I play some movies with “Open Playlist Index” and Media Playlist.
The movies are played. However, when the movie of playlist reach the end of it, the movie turn to the top and continue playing.
when the movie of playlist reach the end of it, I want the movie stop.
How to do it?


There’s currently no built-in mechanism to play a playlist only once, but I’ll put it on the to-do list for 4.16.

In the meantime, you could check at the end of a movie (MediaPlayer.OnEndReached event) whether the current playlist index (MediaPlayer.GetPlaylistIndex) has reached the last entry (Playlist.Num - 1) and the stop playback (MediaPlayer.Pause or MediaPlayer.Close).

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Thank you for replying and teaching how to do instead.
I’m looking forward to built-in it.