How to play 2 animations at same button pressed?

I created a animation where a player swing a mace in blender but when imported in ue4 it is divided into 2 animation where a character moving his hand and in another a mace swinging now i want it to play both when left mouse button is pressed how to play it? and another problem i told the blueprint to play animation when press left mouse buttton its works properly but when i do it with mace it does play. because mace is attached to character?

I need animation for mace because if i play it without animation for mace, only my character hands are moving but the mace is not moving with it. its look strange

If you attached it to the character (socket on skeleton), why do you need an animation for the mace?

And if you export the mace as a static mesh and just attach it to a socket on your character skeletons hand?

no i export mace as skeletal mesh

using your character’s skeleton?

yes i imported both character and mace as skeletal mesh