In UDK there is this function “>>” that allows me to set the coordinate in front of my Pawn. Now, I was wondering what the equivalent function of this in UE4?
Thanks in advance…
In UDK there is this function “>>” that allows me to set the coordinate in front of my Pawn. Now, I was wondering what the equivalent function of this in UE4?
Thanks in advance…
Do you want to spawn another Actor infront of “MyCharacter”? Sorry, i haven’t worked with UDK. (: Maybe we can get your problem solved anyway.
No… I just need to get the coordinates a few units in front of my pawn. For example, my Pawn is at X 10, Y 5, rotated 20 degrees in the world. Now I want to know the coordinates of a point 20 units in front of me.
We could also say I want to spawn something 20 units in front of my pawn, wherever he is facing, so basically we’ll need to get the coordinates first.
It’s 6am in the morning now so i can’t help you with an example but how about getting the forward vector of the character and multiply it by 20?
Its pretty simple.
lets say you want a point N units infront of your character. You simply do this:
Normalize(Pawn->ForwardVector) * N.
Now if you want to make sure that the point returned is ON the ground, then all you have to do is do a Trace downward from the location returned by the above equation.
PS:Notice that this method gives you a point N units infront of your character’s current orientation. So it depends on your Pitch as well. If you want to ignore the Pitch, do this:
Normalize(MakeVector(Pawn->ForwardVector.X, Pawn->ForwardVector.Y, 0)) * N
try this and let me know if it works
That’s ok… I’ll learn about the Forward Vector, how it behaves and how to use it.
Thanks for the reply. I am trying to convert your formula into BP and
is what I did. I used the E key to activate the solution. From your formula, I added the result to my Character’s current location.
In my Print node, so far, it is giving me a constant change of 100 units wherever I face my character (sometimes with a 99.9999 difference, but I guess a small point difference doesn’t matter).
Can you confirm if I translated your formula right (or you have other design in your BP)?
In any case, I think my problem is solved… Thanks!!!
Yeah i’m aware of the Z-Axis, I’m considering in the future that sometimes I will have to place things in front of me with higher or lower elevation so I will do something about it in the future. And yeah thanks for pointing the Vector * Float, I think it will make my inputs more simplified. Thanks
This seems ok. But you know that you are ignoring the z axis? You could also use the Vector * Float node to multiply a float directly to the vector. If you don’t need this you now at least know that such a node exists
You could, for example, get the point thats way over this one by adding something to the z axis. And instead of usinf that point, you could use this new point to start a linetrace dirctly to the bottom below and use the hitpoint for your point. That will get you points that are higher or lower than the feet of your character. (:
Thank you Ranz!!
Thank you, it is useful
Almost 10 years later and still useful. Thanks!