How To Place A Mesh In The World Using Blueprint

Hello, I am fairly new to learning Blueprint (but am no stranger to programming, however I am not familiar with all of Blueprint’s pre-built functions and such).

I would like to automatically add a static mesh (a box, plane, sphere, etc) to the Level (at a given Location and Size) as soon as it runs. I heard that Instance Static Meshes are better? I also read that the Construction Script is where code is initiated on start-up?
Basically, as soon as I run the Script, I want the Blueprint to place the Mesh/Object/Shape/Whatever in the Level at the Location and Size Vectors I set in code.

Am I completely off base here? I am attempting to do this with a Plane and I presume the Spawn Actor Function will be what I need?)

In the level BP


Thank you, you are a life saver! :smiley:

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