How to place a held object into/onto a shelf?


I am trying to get the player to place a held object into a shelf.

I already have the system of picking the item up and dropping it. It gets detroyed on pickup and spawned as a child actor on the player. I also have the sytem for spawning a shelf in the world (line trace and spawn at location if nothing collides). All I need is a way to get the held item transfered/placed or spawned on the shelf that the player is looking at, so if he looks at the bottom shelf it should be place there and not just random somewhere on the shelf.

Would be awesome to get some ideas in, because right now im about to give up :smiley:

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I’ve seen you post this a few times :slight_smile: I would say you’re much more likely to get help if you have already tried a specific method, and have got stuck. Not many people want to enter into an open discussion about the various methods ( many ) for doing this.

Having said that, if you have a shelf, you can line trace to the shelf, which gives you a location, and you can place ( spawn ) the held object there