How to Pick up (attach to socket) then Throw an actor?

Currently I am trying to figure out the best way to essentially create a multiplayer game of catch. I have just the basic level setup that ue4 starts you with, and an additional actor that spawns on the ground, which is a ball. In the ball’s blueprint I was able to find a way to make the playable characters pickup the ball on overlap just fine (the ball attaches to a socket on the P.C.'s hand on overlap. Again, this step is done in the ball’s blueprint.
The issue is now I’m trying to find a way to throw the ball on a left click. I was able to get this feature working on the server user’s playable character, but haven’t had any luck getting it to work for any client connections. Whenever I try to drop/throw the ball as the client user i get the message :
(((( Blueprint Runtime Error: “Accessed None trying to read property Ball_Reference”. Blueprint: ThirdPersonCharacter Function: Execute Ubergraph Third Person Character Graph: EventGraph Node: Drop Ball )))) Currently I have the throw function in the ThirdPersonCharacter’s blueprint (only way I could figure out how to access the LMB Click event), and was only able to figure out how to manually assign a reference var to the ball for the character that’s already spawned at start (called Ball_Reference), but not for any ThirdPersonCharacters that are spawned afterwards.
If anyone knows a solution for this, or a better way to do what I’m trying to do please let me know. Thanks !! :slight_smile: