How to perfectly loop sequence from Live Link take


I have a meta human character (only the face mesh) that has pretty simple idle animation. I recorded that sequence using my iPhone with Live Link and baked an animation out of it. Of course this animation isn’t looping perfectly as I will never end up in the same place with my head in the end. I guess there must be a way for me to manually edit the curves so the end point is exactly like the starting point. However if I bake the animation there are over a thousand curves and I can’t seem to edit them all at once. Is there a better way to do it?

My second attempt was to manually create the animation using the meta human control rig. Here I have another problem: I don’t have the head tilt / yaw etc that I need for my animation in my face control rig. They are located in the body control rig. But since I only use the face mesh it obviously ignores all of the body curves and only applies the facial animations. I found that when I recorded the Live Link there are additional curves like HeadRoll, HeadPitch, HeadYaw that I don’t have when I manually create the animation.

Can someone help or point me in the right direction?

Thank you!

You can bake animation into control rig, then edit keyframes to smoothen and make loopable.

For head animation, for example, add curves HeadRoll-HeadPitch-HeadYaw to Face_Archetype_Skeleton to animate them in sequencer. Then apply them to head bone in the post-process animation blueprint (Face_PostProcess_AnimBP) - just like LiveLink curves are processed in Face_AnimBP, but use “Get Curve Value” instead of “Evaluate Live LInk Frame” → “Get Property Value”.