TLDR: what is the common practice of teleporting characters with Particle Systems (that need to be in World Space) so that the particles don’t update all funky directly after the teleport?
Hi all I have a tentacle particle system for a floating creature and when I return enemies to the Enemy pool offscreen and warp them to the next room that the player is entering - the tentacles stretch from all the way from the enemy pool to the room the enemy is spawning in for a half second due to the fact that the child particles that make up the tentacle move based on the parent location - and naturally because of the warp the previous location was far away. If I move the particle system into local space this resolves the issue however the tentacles do not flow as smoothly or “naturally” as in world space. So ideally I’d like to turn off update while it teleports similar to how you can for physics when you move an actor location. I tried the pause and unpause to bracket the teleport but this didn’t give me the results I was hoping for. Thanks in Advance.