How to package UE 4.27 android game for Play Store with aab <150MB

Yes, I don’t have any more problems on upload aab above 150mb, the problem was with the architeture.
When you package both armv7 and arm64 and check the “Enable ABI split” some devices report a crash on FMallocBinned2.
So far I just unchecked that and I didn’t got any more crash reports on that issue.
The intention on turning on this feature is reduce de installation package size, since it will install only the supported version on device. If you uncheck this, when the user downloads it on play store, it will download both armv7 and arm64 support, which is a bigger package.

If you are not competing on build size with other similar apps or any UA reporting the app size as a problem, you really don’t need the ABI split.