Okay, this is ridiculous… I’ve been searching for ages now and I cannot find how to set my project to deploy in Windowed mode. Every time I launch my project, it starts up in full screen with mouse lock…
I have seen some people say “launch with console command x” and “change defaultX ini file”, but seriously… is there no way to set (via the editor) whether the project should default to Windowed mode or to Full screen mode? Also, why can the user not change the window size, like he/she can do with every Windows application?
Someone give me a clue, please, before I need a new laptop.
The launch with console command (r.setres 800x600w, as an example) is currently the best workflow as far as how to do this. However, there is currently an issue with the window appearing offset when changed from fullscreen mode, UE-16020.
There is also a feature request in for the ability to set resolution options in the editor, UE-27079.
How do you “launch with console command” for a packaged game? Do you mean in your level blueprint BeginPlay you add an “Execute Console Command” node? Is that still the best way to set your desired resolution and fullscreen/windowed mode for a packaged game in 4.18+?