How to package in x86_64 (github source)

i want to package in x86_64 but i dont know how it says that i need github source but what does it mean? and also how can i get it
i would like to know thx!

Hello ,

We don’t have a build configuration listed as x86_64, we have Windows 32-bit and Windows 64-bit and neither should require using github source, which is a source built version of the engine which you can find out about here.

Could you explain exactly what you need? What build configuration / platform are you targeting? What is telling you that you need Github source? Do you want to package for multiple platforms?

what are you talking about there is a x86_64 for android go to the android section in the editor and see for your self

You never specified anything about Android, you mentioned just packaging for x86_64 which I assumed was your Platform that you were attempting to package for. Please be more specific when giving information.

And yes, as it says in the tooltip, you need to use Github source as the files required for it are not available in the Binary engine. You can use the link provided in my previous post for information on how to download the Github source build.

Hello !! where I can find that post on how to download the Github source build ??? thanks

Good luck!

thank you for your answer !!! … I’m so sorry fo asking , i don’t know anything of c++ , and also i don’t find the resource for “support arm64 [aka arm64-v8a]” i follow the instructions in the link send me , search on the folders

, Where can i find the source and how install it ??

hi I’m having the same issue can you link a download link for GitHub and please walk me through how to set it up. Thanks.

switch to true


Did you ever figure this out? There seems to be next to nothing on the forums on how to get the github files

Same question after 1 year :thinking: :slightly_smiling_face: