How to package a project with custom plugins?

Hi, I have an UE4.19 project with some custom developed C++ plugins. To package the project including the plugins I followed Rama’s tutorial: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Epic Developer Community Forums
The packaging works fine but when running the app I can see in the logs that my plugin class files where not found:

LogStreaming: Error: Couldn’t find
file for package
/Script/UniversalLogger requested by
async loading code. NameToLoad:

LogStreaming: Error: Missing Dependency, request for /Script/UniversalLogger.LoggerThreaded but it hasn’t been created yet.

LogStreaming: Error: Could not find
class LoggerThreaded to create

LogScript: Warning: Accessed None
trying to read property LoggerThreaded

Am I missing something?

Do you have blueprints in this plugin? When you add plugin dependency in game build.cs file it should package all c++ classes, but it doesn’t work the same way for blueprints, if they are not referenced or forced they won’t be packaged.