How to override LyraWorldSettings' KillZ to apply a different gameplayeffect?

If the character falls at the world’s KillZ with a different skeleton other than the ue5 skeleton, it applies the default gameplay effect/cue that tries to play the damage montage which isn’t compatible with a non ue5 skeleton & prints out errors.

What I want is to handle my own gameplay effect upon reaching KillZ (e.g instant destroy). Where should I look to modify that?

Typically in Gameplay ability system, a GE is used to change attributes, add/remove tags and add gameplay cues (visual effects) to the target actor. I would take a look at the gameplay cue associated with death ability (GA_Hero death). Also, you may want to create “gameplay tags” and “gameplay cue tags” to differentiate your characters’ gameplay cues based on their skeleton. I don’t have my computer here so I cannot verify, but, if I am not mistaken, inside the gameplay ability hero death, there is a node calling “send gameplay cue with parameters”. From there, use the node “has matching gameplay tag?” to apply different gameplay cue tags to the target based on the owning avatar’s skeleton, if that makes sense.

You can also make that tag query inside the gameplay cue blueprint to avoid creating new ones.