When navigating UI with gamepad, pressing GamepadFaceButtonBottom behaves like clicking LMB. Is there a way to override this behavior? I want to be able to control UI with gamepad, while still having button A on XBox to do something else unrelated to the UI.
I know CommonUI adds a CommonAnalogCursor, enabled by default, which listens for the “Virtual_Accept” key. It is initialized in InputCoreTypes.cpp by calling FPlatformInput::GetGamepadAcceptKey();, which returns EKeys::Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom;.
It is fixed by ShouldVirtualAcceptSimulateMouseButton() starting from version UE 5.4
The following solution is only applicable for older versions of UE 5.4
Until Epic provides a separate method to disable Virtual Accept, I have temporarily addressed it by adding the following hack code to the initialization function without modifying the engine code:
#include "InputCoreTypes.h"
// This is a hack to disable Virtual Accept
// Associated with FCommonAnalogCursor::HandleKeyDownEvent and FAnalogCursor::HandleKeyDownEvent
FKey& virtual_key = const_cast<FKey&>(EKeys::Virtual_Accept);
virtual_key = EKeys::Invalid;
This one work for me! as I only apply this as temporary fix, but how do you revert the virtual_accept back to it initial value ( enable it ) during runtime ?