How to override controller data key brush in Common UI?


I need some help figuring out how to override textures/glyphs from Common Input Base Controller Data for unique uses and styles! Below is a screenshot of how my glyph for “Button X” is setup.

I want to override that glyph in my Common Input Action Database table, since the style of the glyph needs to be a little bit different for another use case. This is how I’ve set that up the glyph inside “Common Input Action Database” table.

However, when I press play, I only see the glyph setup in the base controller, the “Override Brush” from the data table seem to do nothing. Does anyone have any ideas on how to override these brush textures to support slightly different looking glyphs for the same button via Common UI?

I couldn’t figure out a “proper” way to do it in UE 5.1.1, so I created my own User Widget component that basically replaced the need for Common Action Widget (The component that is used to display correct textures based on Input Type).

If anyone runs into this issue in the future, you can simply subscribe to the Common Input Subsystems and use this function to get the Row Data:

How to Subscribe to Common UI Input:

To summarize, My User Widget does the following:

  1. Subscribes to Common UI Input
  2. Grabs the correct Row Data (from the override section of the Common Input Action Database)
  3. Displays the correct Brush Image

Hope this helps someone!


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