I’m making an airplane. And to my surprise, some colliders are not hard attached to their parent. I’m coming from Unity, and I’m not using a skeleton, but I’m using physics.
Is there any course or video tutorial that lets me understand how to lay out the hierarchy of my components inside a pawn actor?
Make the “main” collider be the root component. This will determine how the actor moves.
Then, for each additional physically simulated component, you need to add a rigid body constraint – a “fixed” joint to pin it to the first component.
E g, in default Unreal layouts, each physically simulated component is a separate rigid body, which dovetails with the other convention that the position of the root component is the position of the actor.
And if you need to add two colliders on the same root component. How to place this collider in the Hierarchy?
I need a “fixed” joint, or can I put more than a collider(the second sphere, capsule, or box) in the same root component?
You can have many colliders parented to the same root (or hierarchy.) This works well for triggers and other non-moving objects.
At most one of them can be the “root” though. You may need to create a welded physical body if you want the physics to reflect both of them in actual simulation, and/or use a fixed joint to glue them together.